Garage doors are frequently overlooked. It’s just like any other door, right? People, however, tend to forget that it is a mechanical structure, and thus, like all mechanical structures, it is prone to damage and wear and tear over time. When this situation arises, the only option is to contact a Garage Expert. Contact us now for more information on the services we offer and the areas we serve. Although most of us are unaware of how garage doors and their mechanics work, it is always beneficial to become as familiar with the details as possible. After all, you’re the one footing the bill for all the repairs!
You’re probably wondering how anyone can tell if their garage door is broken. Well! You don’t need to be concerned. We’ve compiled a list of errors you can look for to figure out what’s wrong! Here are some of the things that can cause your garage door to malfunction.
Broken Springs
When it comes to opening the garage door, two springs are installed that do the majority of the work. However, like any other piece of machinery, they have a limited lifespan. There comes a point when the springs snap (literally). It could be due to overworking, rusting, or the adverse weather conditions in your area finally kicking in.

Without functional springs, the door opener will only slightly open the door, if at all. If you are at home when the springs break, you will most likely hear a gunshot-like sound. After all, the springs have a lot of tension built up in them!
Don’t be alarmed if you’re having a cup of coffee in the evening and hear a gunshot from your garage. The poor springs are more likely to give way than a robber breaking into your home (unless you live in an area where thefts are common). In that case, it’s best to have your shotgun ready just in case!) Dealing with garage door maintenance and repair issues can be a breeze when using the team at Nabors Garage Doors. Contact us now for more information on the services we offer and the areas we serve.
Broken Tension Springs Or Cables
When viewing the garage door open or close, the smooth movement may give the impression that the door is light in weight. The door is actually quite heavy.
This illusion is made possible by the brilliant tension mechanics. You wouldn’t find your garage door as graceful if the cables and springs weren’t present.
Your garage door will most likely slam down when closing if tension springs and cables are not present to resist its fall.
Furthermore, if you are under the garage door when it occurs, you could be looking at a hefty hospital bill. As a result, if you notice that your garage door is not opening with the usual grace, you should check the tension springs and cables! Dealing with garage door maintenance and repair issues can be a breeze when using the team at Nabors Garage Doors. Contact us now for more information on the services we offer and the areas we serve.
Wrongly Aligned Track
Consider your door to be a train. The track it is on must not be compromised in any way for it to function properly. The track allows it to move quickly, and if the track is damaged in any way, the train will be unable to move.
Similarly, in order to move, your garage door requires a track. Over time, that track can rust and become damaged. Given how heavy garage doors can be, if The Track is damaged, the situation will deteriorate if not addressed immediately.
The weight of the door can severely damage the track, so if you want to avoid any additional costs, it’s best to get it fixed as soon as you notice something is wrong. This is because there is a common belief that “making things work until their last breath” can be detrimental in this case.
Dealing with garage door maintenance and repair issues can be a breeze when using the team at Nabors Garage Doors. Contact us now for more information on the services we offer and the areas we serve.