If you wonder how to install your garage door, you may be surprised to find that it is a simple task, and it is easier than you think. However, several factors to consider when putting your garage door up. If you don’t have the experience needed to complete the project, you can always hire a professional to do it. Listed below are some tips for installing your garage door. Before starting the installation, be sure to measure the height of the door.
Measure the opening of your garage. If you don’t know the exact measurements, ask your Garaga specialist to help you. Once you have the measurements, you can order the door and have it installed. Then, follow the directions of the installation technician. Make sure the space around the door is clean and safe for your family. The process of installing your garage doors may take up to a day. Therefore, it’s essential to prepare for this beforehand.
The first step is to unbolt the existing door. The new door will sit above the old one, and you’ll need to unbolt the bolts holding the panels in place. Then, remove the sectional panels and install them one at a time. Then, make sure to align the groove of the top panel with the ridge of the panel below it. Repeat this process until you have all the panels in place.
The next step is to loosen the bolts holding the top panel of the garage door. You’ll need to remove this panel from the track. Continue removing the remaining sectional panels until the last one is installed. The hinges on these panels connect the upper and lower panels. Be careful to install them correctly – the groove of the upper panel must sit on the ridge of the lower panel. Then, repeat this process until all of the panels have been hung.
Once the panels are in place, you can proceed to the next step: removing the door from its track. A heavy garage door is cumbersome and requires special tools to dismantle. You’ll need to remove the pulleys and panels to access the track. Once the doors are removed from the track, you’ll need to unfasten the tracks and disconnect them. Afterward, you’ll need to reconnect the screws on the hinges to secure the new garage door.
Once the panels are in place, you can begin the installation. Most garage doors are heavy, and installing them is a tricky project. You may have to remove the panels or the tracks, which can be tricky for an amateur. You’ll need to leave plenty of space for the technicians. Ensure that the garage is secure for anyone in and around the door. A skilled technician will work safely while installing your new garage door.
After deciding to hire a professional, you should ensure that you have the proper access to the garage to accommodate the installation technician. You can be in the garage while the technicians install your garage door. Just make sure that your family members don’t have to be in the garage during the installation. If the door is too heavy to move, you should make sure it’s safe for them to enter it. Moreover, you should ensure that the garage is accessible for the technicians.

When hiring a professional to install your garage door, ensure that the technician has access to your garage before starting the installation. The technician needs to have access to the entire garage. If you aren’t sure about the measurements, you can ask a professional to help you with the installation. You should make sure that your door is accessible for the technicians, as they need to access your garage. The installation should be done so that it won’t interfere with the safety of your family.
Once you’ve finished removing your old garage door, you should disassemble it. You may need to remove the panel, unfasten the tracks, and disconnect the pulleys. Then, you can install a new one. This will be an excellent opportunity to install a new garage door that matches your house. Ensure that you have a level floor and that it is accessible for the installers. Once the installation is completed, your new garage door will look great.