Tips to Fix a Slow-Opening Garage Door

Tips to Fix a Slow-Opening Garage Door

Garage doors have to do a lot of heavy lifting, day in and day out. This means eventually they will require maintenance and repairs to continue operating safely. The question for most homeowners, though, is when they should call for this service?

One of the tell-tale signs your garage door needs professional services is if it is taking longer than usual to open and close. Keep reading to learn some of the most common reasons your garage door is moving more slowly and what you can do to fix the problem.

How Long Should It Take for a Garage Door to Open and Close?

The average amount of time it should take your garage door to open and close is between 12 and 15 seconds. Most modern garage doors can complete a full open or close cycle within this period. If you have discovered that the door is taking 20 seconds or more to fully open or close, it is time to call the professionals to have it checked out.

When to Seek Service for a Slow Garage Door

The most common way to fix a slow opening garage door is by applying more lubrication. If your door is not properly lubricated, the parts of the door may have to work overtime during the opening and closing cycles. This means the processes take longer than usual. Also, as you continue to use your door each day, the pulleys may also become worn, and the springs may lose tension. This can also result in the door’s operation slowing down.

One of the first steps to take when trying to fix a garage door that is not moving as quickly as it once did, is by lubricating all the hinges, brackets, and tracks. After all the parts are fully lubricated, test the door to see if it will move any faster. There are some garage door models available today that have speed setting controls in place. If your door has these, be sure they have not been adjusted to make the door move slower.

If the speed control setting nor lubrication is an issue, call the professionals. A garage door service technician can check all the springs and pulleys to determine if there is a more complicated problem that needs to be repaired.

It is never recommended that a homeowner try to handle these more intensive repair and maintenance tasks on their own. This is because any garage door is operating under a large amount of tension, and it requires specialized expertise and knowledge to effectively and safely provide the repairs and maintenance services needed.

Regular Service Can Prevent Serious Garage Door Problems

One of the best ways to prevent issues with your garage door is to schedule regular maintenance and repairs with the professionals. They will provide you with the desired services and repairs, if needed, and help ensure your garage door can continue operating efficiently and safely. Being informed is the best way to ensure that any door continues to operate properly, regardless of age.

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